Dr. Bela Batorfi , the owner, head of Batorfi Dental Implant Clinic has combined his expertise with the knowledge of renowned dental services. He fuses exceptional dental services together with memorable time in the beautiful Capital of Hungary as well as providing opportunity for patients from the UK to save thousands of pounds on dental treatment. He believes it to be very important to provide patients with a safe, proven, detailed process when traveling abroad for medical care. Dr. Batorfi had lined up the highest quality dental treatments in his unique dental clinic, serving patients on 4 highest technology Morita dental chairs (can rarely be found in Europe yet). Dr. Batorfi has an enviable record of professional cerificates: • AAID (American Academy of Implant Dentistry) He has completed all the mayor dental implantology courses: • BEGO-Semados dental implant system course |
As a DMD, oral surgeon and master of implantologist for almost two decades in Hungary and one decade in London, he - beside working at the clinic - tirelessly focuses on spending his time attending international conferences, seeking ways to specialize in what he is already among the bests in Europe: placing 1500-2000 dental implants a year and proudly having a 97-98% success rate from over his 35.000 treated patients.